Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ask a scientist

I posted the following question to the Ask a Scientist website in week 2, "How did scientists discover what each organelle's function is?" Unfortunately, no answer was found on the website and I did not receive an email response, either. In our discussion last week, Moses Mitchell did give me an answer, which was, "scientists are able to see what each protein does and another interesting part is seeing what proteins are shared (have in common) with other organisms" (Mitchell, 2010, September 19). I plan to research this further to see if there are more specifics on identifying the organelles.
I have mixed feelings about using a site like this in my classroom. I think if the students receive no response to their question, then it would be frustrating for them, but if they receive a response, then it helps them to see that scientists are real people that they can relate to. I think a more beneficial idea would be to have scientists be guest speakers in the classroom.

Mitchell, M. (2010, September 19). Ask a Scientist. Message posted to EDUC 6662 discussion board, Week 2.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Presentation tools

For this week's blog assignment, I chose to look at VCASMO and 280 Slides, because I knew that I would want to add both pictures and videos to my presentation.

VCASMO has a dual screen, so in one screen you can show a video while the other screen shows a slide show. VCASMO has many examples of other presentations that have been created for you to look at. It seemed fairly simple to synchronize the video to the slides. I would not reccomend using this presentation tool for the course project, unless your endangered species is local to your area and you are able to obtain extensive video footage of the animalin it's natural enviroment.

280 slides is an online presentation tool similar to powerpoint. You can easily add photos and videos to your presentation. I would reccomend 280 slides for the course project because it is easy to use even for less than technical savvy people like me. 280 Slides has a presentation tour that you can take and experiment with. It can also be saved as a powerpoint, if you need to use it where there is no internet access.

280 Slides - Create & Share Presentations Online. (n.d.). 280 Slides - Create & Share Presentations Online. Retrieved September 11, 2010, from

VCASMO- Home. (n.d.). VCASMO - Home. Retrieved September 11, 2010, from